Freightliner VIN Decoder

Get detailed information by VIN Number of Freightliner

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 3AKJGLBGXGSHT7050

If you want to know where your Freightliner was manufactured, you can try using a Freightliner VIN decoder. All the 17-characters code is divided into three parts. 1-3 characters belong to the WMI group, they encrypt the geographical position of the manufacturer. 4 through 9 mean the VDS group. Deciphering these symbols, you can determine the modification and the vehicle model. But the remaining symbols belong to the distinctive section of the VIN-code (VIS). It specifies the general information, like the year of manufacture, information about the plant etc.

Where can you find the VIN code? Take a look at the metal plate that is attached to the vehicle, its last six symbols are stamped on the metal frame. This code is the DNA of the truck and it's unique. There should be no scratches or any kind of damages on the surface of the code. If you see any, it's better to inform the police about this case. If the surface is dirty, you can use a towel or a little brush to see all the figures and the letters.

The VIN decoder Freightliner can be manufactured at the Daimler assembly in the USA or Mexico. You can decode it from the first three characters of the code on your own or simply use the decoder. The rest of the code deciphers the following:

  • The model, the cab and the GVWR;
  • The engine type and the brakes;
  • The model year (don't mix it with the year of the manufacture);
  • The location of the assembly;
  • The configuration of the chassis;
  • The check number.

VIN Number Decoder Freightliner

The VIN code of the Freightliner contains the information about the technical aspects of the engine, the chassis and the equipment. You can use this information for several purposes. The first is defining that this very truck belongs to you. Your name and the VIN code are indicated on the registration card. Another reason why you might need to use the Freightliner truck VIN decoder is buying a new car and checking whether all the specs are present in the vehicle and the year of the manufacture coincides with the current year.

The decoder processes the identification number for several seconds and gives you the result. There are the trucks that were produced for the European market and they differ because their VINs don't contain full information about the vehicle. You can see ZZZ in such codes. Therefore the information that could be decoded in the symbols on these positions is missing.

Is it possible to change the code or replace it with another code? To prevent any tries to replace or change the code or any of its symbols, there's a check digit that takes control over the other characters. The VIN number decoder Freightliner can quickly detect if the check number and the code have any differences. If there were tries to change the letter or the figure, you will see the scratches first and then the decoder will prove that the code is invalid.

Decoding takes a few seconds and provides a list of specs about the truck.The service uses the worldwide database, so any the results are true to life. If you decode the European model with the ZZZ symbols, these lines remain empty and no information is provided. It's possible to decode several codes if you have them to compare the equipment and the specs of the Freightliner trucks. You will receive the complete information sheet about the truck if you decode the VIN number of an American model.

Freightliner Sample VIN

  • 3AKJHHDR9JSJV5535 — 2018 Freightliner Cascadia (14.8L L6 DIESEL), CONVENTIONAL CAB
  • 3ALACWDTXEDFV0184 — 2014 Freightliner M2 106 106 Medium Duty (6.7L L6 DIESEL), CONVENTIONAL CAB
  • 4UZAB0DT6BCAV0100 — 2011 Freightliner XB (6.7L L6 DIESEL), REAR ENGINE
  • 1FVACWBS58HZ89721 — 2008 Freightliner M2 106 106 Medium Duty (8.3L L6 DIESEL), CONVENTIONAL CAB
  • 4UZAARBW44CM84861 — 2004 Freightliner MT55 Chassis M Line Walk-In Van (5.9L L6 DIESEL), INCOMPLETE CHASSIS