Check BMW VIN Number and get a Full VIN History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: WBAVB13586KX67893

BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke), these three letters alone are able to generate enthusiastic emotions amongst large groups of drivers. This brand is associated with a great handling and an exciting driving process. Tapping the gas on one of these cars is always a pleasure.

The other characteristics that made the German car maker famous and reputable are reliability, excellent maintenance program, elegant style and great performance.

If you are reading this page, chances are, you are interested in buying one of these cars or you are going to sell one. In both cases you need correct information about the car, especially to figure out its real market value.

In order to gain this information, you have to do a BMW VIN check. That is to say, check VIN number that BMW has printed on some of its parts. The VIN number is a special identifying code that allows you to know all the car specifics and its history. It's a sort of car's fingerprint and typing it in our VIN checker will let you know all the details you need.

BMW VIN Location

Checking the BMW service history by VIN is not difficult at all. You just need to find the VIN number of the car and type it into the BMW VIN checker. Since you could have some problems in finding the VIN number on the vehicle, check out your model on the following list to know where to check.

  • 1 Series models;
    • the VIN plaque should be on the front offside of the inner wing behind the headlamp assembly or on the rear offside of the wing
    • check also on the passenger door B post
    • on the nearside of the front windshield
  • 3 Series models;
    • the VIN plaque should be on the front offside of the inner wing behind the headlamp assembly or on the rear offside of the inner wing adjacent to the battery
    • on the nearside of the front windshield
  • 5 Series models;
    • usually the plaque with the VIN number is on the rear offside of the inner wing on a black metal plate held by two rivets
    • on the nearside base of the dashboard assembly
  • 7 Series;
    • on the front offside inner wing
    • on the nearside base of the front windshield
  • 8 Series;
    • on the front offside inner wing behind the headlamp unit
    • on the offside base of the front windshield
  • M Series;
    • on the offside suspension housing on a black metallic sticker
    • on some models on the inside of the offside wing on a metal plaque held by two rivets
    • on later models on the driver's door B post on a sticker
    • on the nearside base of the front windshield
  • Mini;
    • on the driver's side door frame on a sticker
    • on the offside base of the front windshield
  • X1, X3;
    • usually found on the driver side or passenger door frame on a sticker
    • on the offside base of the windshield
  • X5, X6;
    • usually the VIN plaque can be found on a sticker on driver door strut
    • on the offside base of the front windscreen
  • Z1, Z3;
    • on the top of the offside wing towards the front of the vehicle.
    • on the nearside base of the front windshield.

Once you figured out what your VIN number is, feel free to discover the BMW VIN history in our checker. It's very simple. There is no need for any complicated stuff. Just type in the code and in a few seconds you will be able to examine all the info you need. So, what are you waiting for? Try it now!