Utah VIN Check & Lookup

Check for an Utah Vehicle and get Full VIN History Reports

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 1C6RRENGXNN241274

Most of the motors and bikes you meet in Utah (UT) possess one thing that can distinguish each of them. It's called the vehicle identification number or the VIN code in short. It is exclusive for every single car, bike, truck, trailer or another type of any vehicle that is sold in Utah. The serial number subsists of 17 characters where each of them represents a specific piece of data about the vehicle. VIN is generated and assigned by the producer.

The records about crashes, past registrations plus other facts are represented in the dispatch that you can receive with the assistance of Utah VIN check. You have an opportunity to decode the VIN and observe all the report items related to this code on this page. Each symbol of the code can be interpreted. Let's consider an example, the first three symbols mean the country, the company name and the model of the vehicle.

A letter you see in the code doesn't always mean the first letter of the name of the country. You can use the online VIN service on this website to see all the specs about the vehicle particularly the year of the configuration, the safety equipment, the motor specs and so on. Before you start using the VIN tool, you will need to locate the code on the car or on the bike. The VIN code is also printed on the registration card, so don't forget to take a look at it and compare the code from the card with the number on the car. If you don't know how to locate the code on the car, there's one spot that is used in most of the models.

You need to stand in front of the car on the driver's side. Take a look at the right bottom corner plus there you should see a panel with the code. The surface of the dashboard has to be smooth and clear with no scratches.If you need to find the code on the bike, take a look at the steering neck.


After you have found the code and you have compared the VIN on the card along with the one you have seen on the vehicle, it's time to get the full report on the past of the machine. Paste the 17-digit code into a special field of the DMV VIN check Utah service to obtain the next information:

  • Records of accidents that happened on the road;
  • Registered odometer readings;
  • Recalls and defects made by the manufacturer;
  • Mileage rollback;
  • Lien and loan records if there were any;
  • Way the car was used (taxi, police or rental);
  • Information about theft and recovery;
  • Data about flood, fire and hail damage;
  • Information about past repairs.

Report contains only reliable and up-to-date records. This data is collected from different sources such as the data collections of insurance offices,salvage auctions, motor vehicle establishments, rental offices and so on. There isn't a single database for all the items of the report, so if you wish to find the information yourself, you will have to visit each of the offices separately to get a required piece of data.

If you use the VIN on this site, you will spend only a few minutes on the whole process besides checking the code. If the service informs you that the code is not valid, you should check if you have typed all the symbols correctly. If you did everything right and you get the same result, get in touch with the owner of the car to ask about the reasons.