Harley-Davidson VIN Decoder

Receive detailed information by VIN Number of Harley-Davidson

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 1HD1GX4398K321210

The VIN code of the motorcycle can tell you as much information as the DNA of a human being. With the help of the Harley VIN decoder, you can find out the technical specs about the body of the bike, the engine type and the equipment that comes with the bike. However, the DNA remains unchanged while the codes of the bikes become different from time to time.

All the Harley Davidson bikes can be divided into three groups depending on the manufacture date and the way their VIN codes can be deciphered:

  • The first is the bikes that were produced from 1930 to 1969. The code consisted of eight symbols where the first two numbers indicated the manufacture year, the next two letters stood for the model and the last part was the production number. The VIN code was placed on the lest case. You can decipher the code on your own.
  • The second group is the bikes that were produced from 1970 to 1980. The VIN code consists of 9 characters. The code includes such information about the HD bike as the model, the year and the production number. You can decode it on your own.
  • And the third group is the bikes that have been produced since 1980. The VIN code is located on the frame. It consists of 17 characters that can be deciphered with the Harley Davidson VIN decoder.

The VIN decoder Harley Davidson is a tool that receives the code, takes one symbol and searches its meaning through the various database. If any symbol of the code is not presented, the decoder skips it and proceeds to the next ones. The law that requires all the manufacturers to use a single standard for generating VIN codes is implemented on the territory of the US. It's not obligatory in the countries of EU.

HD VIN Number Decoder

Although the Harley Davidson VIN number decoder provides the results in a few seconds, let's consider a few symbols from the code and their meaning. The first three characters always identify the manufacturer of the bike. The typical beginning of the code can be 1HD where 1 stands for the USA and HD stands for Harley Davidson. It seems that you don't need the decoder after you cope with the first symbols. However, this part is the shortest and the easiest one. Other characters provide a wide choice of combinations that represent the models and their specs.

There's a special character that can inform the HD VIN decoder whether the code is valid or not. If at least one symbol was somehow changed, the check digit will find it out. Why do people change the code? If the bike is stolen, the code is changed and it's sold as a completely another vehicle. It's better to look at the code on the frame and lit it with the flashlight. If you see any scratches or damages, the code was probably changed. Pay attention to the slightest shades and lines that are hardly visible.

Deciphering the code with a special Harley Davidson VIN decoder is free and you can do it with several items. You can check the VIN code when you buy a bike. In this case, you will compare the data from the site with the specs and equipment of the real bike. If something is missing, you will ask the owner about it. You can use the decoder for searching the parts for the motorcycle. We know that original parts are hard wearing and they can prolong the life of the HD.

Harley-Davidson Sample VIN

  • 1HD1KED10HB661265 — 2017 Harley-Davidson FLHTK / ultra limited - (1.8 Li), Motorcycle - Touring
  • 1HD1BFV14EB015825 — 2014 Harley-Davidson FXSB-103 Breakout (1.7 Li V2), Motorcycle - Custom
  • 1HD1FC413AB618635 — 2010 Harley-Davidson FLHTCU (1584CC), Motorcycle - Touring
  • 1HD1FS4158Y675467 — 2008 Harley-Davidson FLTR FLTR (1584CC), Motorcycle - Touring
  • 1HD1FBW1X5Y614401 — 2005 Harley-Davidson FLHRI (1450CC), Motorcycle - Touring