RV and Motorhome VIN Decoder

Find detailed information by Motorhome VIN Number with build sheet for free.

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 4UZAB2CY5DCFH1123

The opportunity to use the Motorhome VIN decoder will let you select the right variants of the models for rent or for personal use. The VIN number describes every single vehicle despite the fact that the code looks like a senseless series of numbers and letters. However, once you put it into the corresponding field of the decoder, you will be surprised by the amount of information you get. Every symbol from the code determines a specific thing. The US National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration determines the rules of generating the number and controls the implementation of the rule.

Nowadays, the VIN code consists of 17 characters. The typical place of the number is on the board under the windshield on the driver's side. In order to avoid Motorhome thefts, the number is placed on the parts of the car. And these parts are non-removable and they cannot be changed on your own without the notice in the registration card.

Each Motorhome trailer or RV will have a VIN code that will be unique for this very car. However, there are several models such as the Truck Campers, the Cab-overs and the Slide-ins that have a serial number instead of the VIN number. This fact shouldn't worry you as the manufacturer doesn't break the law. It's just the peculiarity of a few models of the Motorhome vehicles.

One more thing to pay attention to is the presence of several codes on one vehicle. This happens because the chassis is produced by one company that assigns one code while the body of the car is made by another company that assigns another code for the parts.

RV VIN Decoder

If you want to buy a Motorhome, pay attention to the code that is located on the driver's site under the windshield. It's called a finished VIN that you can decipher with the RV VIN decoder. This code is required in case you become the first owner of the vehicle and the retailer gives the car to you. If you buy the already used car, you will need the VIN code to check if the RV is not stolen or it is sold legally.

Let's consider what you can do with the number and how you can decode it. The number consists of 17 characters and it's assigned by the RV manufacturer. This code includes the data about the model, the engine specs, the equipment of the car, the floor plan and all the optional customization of the Motorhome. The number of the RV is similar to the one of any other trailer that you observe elsewhere.

A typical VIN can look like the following: 5B4MP67G123353230.

What you can find out with the decoder:

  • The first number and the next two letters determine the manufacturer;
  • 5B4 stands for Workhorse;
  • M stands for the type of the brake system;
  • P stands for the type of the chassis type;
  • 6 stands for the code of the model;
  • The next symbol indicates the body type;
  • G stands for the engine type, here it means 8.1L V8 OHV 16V;
  • The next is the check figure that prevents any changes in the code;
  • 2 means the model year of the vehicle, here we have 2002;
  • Number 3 determines that the Motorhome was produced in Union City Indiana, United States;
  • And the last figures mean the serial number.

Roughly, we can break the code into four parts. But if you use the Motorhome decoder, it will be much easier and faster to decipher the code than doing it on your own.

RV Sample VIN

  • 5ZT2TRTB5HB511042 — 2017 Forest River Tracer (no engine), Trailer
  • 5VBBA37A8GA116483 — 2016 Tiffin Motorhomes (8.9 Li l6 Diesel), Motor Home Chassis
  • 4YDT3162XEB451450 — 2014 Keystone Outback (no engine), Trailer
  • 1UJAJ01GX81BC0261 — 2008 Jayco Series 1006 / Series 1207 (no engine), Trailer
  • 5SFGF36226E001019 — 2006 Heartland Bighorn (no engine), Trailer