Illinois VIN Check and Title Lookup

Check an Illinois Vehicle and get Full VIN History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 1C6RRENGXNN241274

If you take a quick look at the left side of the dashboard through the windshield or near the driver’s side door frame, you'll spot a unique combination of numbers and letters called a VIN code. With this code and the Illinois VIN check, you can find out information about the vehicle’s owners, real odometer mileage, and car status.

Our comprehensive Illinois VIN check allows you to do all that and more about the vehicle in the Illinois (IL) state. You can use the VIN lookup to get a free basic report by simply entering the VIN code. Knowing the car's history will help ensure a safe purchase, and we'll explain the information you can uncover with both the free and paid Illinois VIN searches.


The Illinois Office of the Secretary of State (SOS) now handles the functions of the IL DMV. SOS doesn’t offer a comprehensive Illinois VIN check, but you can find some basic details by entering your VIN on the Title and Registration Status Inquiry page.

Free VIN Report

You can also get the basic information about your car through authorized third-party services, like FAXVIN, using our free VIN lookup tool. Just paste your vehicle identification number, and you’ll get the following info on the report:

  • Vehicle specifications (body, model, year, make);
  • Trim;
  • Place of production;
  • Engine and transmission details;
  • Availability of history records.

If the vehicle has any historical records through servicing history or other sources, you’ll see their availability with our free report. However, you won’t be able to check the details with a basic check.

While you can get basic info through the SOS VIN check in Illinois, our full report contains comprehensive details. For example, a damaged mark on a free report might be a sign of theft. You can verify that with our full report. Also, you will be able to receive logs of recalls or defects and flood, hail, or fire damage records.

We also want to make sure that you know if the car was used before as a taxi or if it has any stolen vehicles or repossession records. That's just a glimpse of what our full Illinois VIN check can do. The paid package contains data pulled from more than 900 sources of vehicle transactions, service records, and others.

Vehicle Registration Lookup

It's easy to use the vehicle identification number to check the registration, and you can do it by using our tool. You just need to enter the licence plate for an Illinois license plate lookup, and you'll receive information on ownership history, registration expiry date and more.

However, it’s more demanding to find a previous owner of the vehicle. Owners of all cars registered in the state of Illinois are protected by the Driver's Privacy Protection Act. The names or personal data of any previous owners cannot be accessed without legal reasons, however, you can check if the car was owned by an individual, a company, or if it used to be a police car.

The Illinois SOS cannot release owner information unless there is a legal reason or a law enforcement-related investigation.

Verify Title Status in Illinois

Our vehicle identification number lookup service also provides a title status check. Especially if you're looking to buy a car, you'll want to avoid potentially stolen or salvaged motor vehicles. The Illinois title search shows the legal and historical condition of a vehicle, including any past incidents like accidents, damage, or salvage that could impact its safety and ownership.

You can just use our report to verify or inquire with the Illinois Secretary of State (SOS) for a basic check. However, our free VIN check service doesn’t include any title records, so it’s best to go with a paid report to obtain this info. Our full report includes details from reputable sources like sales records, the SOS, the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), Illinois State Police for crash reports, and similar registries.

Our full VIN report includes a full vehicle history report with detailed information on records for spotting junk or salvage titles easily.

The Benefits of Conducting an Illinois VIN Check

The main benefit of an IL VIN check is that it gives you a better understanding of the vehicle title brands and conditions. You are entitled to a free check by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office - Consumer Protection Act, protecting you from fraud. This check can be conducted through the Illinois SOS or through our service. Here are the main advantages of doing an Illinois VIN check online at FAXVIN:

  • Avoiding fraud;
  • Identifying recall information;
  • Confirming the model year and specs;
  • Checking for previous accidents;
  • Protection from liens and other financial issues.

You can also ensure that everything is in check when it comes to state regulations and vehicle compliance. For instance, you can use the VIN to check the car’s age and see if it’s due for an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) - vehicle emissions testing. If so, it could be the reason behind a registration suspension issued on the title. Compliance with emissions testing in Illinois depends on registration location and vehicle type.

The vehicle identification number can also be used for a lien check. A lien is a legal claim or right that a lender has on a vehicle, which is used as collateral for a loan. In case the previous owner defaults, a lien allows the lender to take possession of the car. FAXVIN’s full package uses financial databases on the purchase of motor vehicles.

Why Should I Run an IL VIN Lookup?

Illinois Counties where VIN lookup is available

Doing a VIN check in Illinois isn't just vital for potential buyers but also for current owners and even mechanics. Here's a list of potential reasons for checking the title:

  • Used car buyers can check full vehicle history reports together with accident lists and repair details.
  • Current owners can use the data on safety recalls to check if their vehicle is prone to known faults.
  • Mechanics can use the reports to get repairs done based on the nature and extent of the damage.
  • Potential buyers can check the history of the vehicle to form a realistic price.

Your Illinois VIN lookup might also show a "lemon" mark. A "lemon" vehicle under Illinois Lemon Law is a new car with a substantial defect that impairs its use, value, or safety and cannot be repaired after a reasonable number of attempts. The law protects buyers by requiring manufacturers to replace or refund the vehicle.

Source of Vehicle Records

For our free Illinois VIN check, we rely on all available state resources, including official service information from trusted dealers under the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association (IADA). We also include information obtained from the NHTSA and other reputable organizations in Illinois and the US in general:

  • Auto insurance companies;
  • Auction sales and history;
  • Manufacturer’s recall information;
  • Service centers for repair information;
  • National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS);
  • Official logs of recalls from licensed dealerships.

How to Do a VIN Check in Illinois?

To set up a free Illinois VIN check, you just need to enter the code into our lookup tool. You can also request a full, paid solution if your free scan doesn’t contain sufficient information on the car's history, repairs, title, or ownership:

  1. Load our Illinois VIN check tool on the FAXVIN website.
  2. Paste the code and click on "Check VIN".
  3. Receive decoding results in a minute.
  4. Use the "Full Report" button for more comprehensive details.

As mentioned before, you can get some basic details through the Illinois SOS, however, it provides only limited title and registration checks online.

Summary and Insights

Doing an Illinois VIN search can be the best way of checking the vehicle’s past and seeing if the specs and servicing history align with your expectations. Use that information to make a better purchase decision or check your vehicle through our free checkup tool to sit behind the wheel confidently.

Additional Resources for Drivers

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I look up VIN numbers for free in Illinois?
You can use your VIN to find some basic title and registration information through the Illinois Office of the Secretary of State, or through third-party services, like FAXVIN free checkup tool.
How do I find the previous owner of a car in Illinois?
Finding previous car owners with a VIN can be a tricky task, and it’s in most cases not possible due to the DPPA. You can only do that if there are solid legal reasons. If you suspect there might be, contact the Illinois State Police or the Illinois Office of the Secretary of State.
How to perform a lien check on an IL vehicle?
You can perform a lien check on an IL vehicle by using a licenced third-party lookup service, like FAXVIN. Our full report contains lien history and other important details, sourced from multiple databases.
How to identify a salvaged vehicle with a VIN check in Illinois?
You can use the Illinois Secretary of State check or a third-party VIN check provider. These services reveal if a vehicle has been issued a salvage title. With FAXVIN full report you can uncover if the vehicle was declared a total loss due to damage or other incidents and has undergone significant repairs.
Free vs paid IL VIN check – what’s the difference?
Free Illinois VIN check includes basic vehicle info like production year, make, model, and trim, while the paid report includes accident records, title reports, recall logs, and damage reports.
Can you check the status of a title in Illinois?
Yes, you can check the status of a vehicle title in Illinois using FAXVIN. By entering the vehicle's VIN or license plate number on FAXVIN's website, you can generate a detailed history report that includes the title status (clean, salvage, rebuilt, etc.), accident history, odometer readings, and more. This helps ensure there are no hidden issues with the vehicle.

Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

213 State Capitol
Springfield, IL 62756
800-252-8980 (toll free in Illinois)
217-785-3000 (outside Illinois)