North Carolina VIN Check & Lookup

Lookup for a North Carolina Vehicle and get Detailed Vehicle History Reports

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 4T1C11AK4PU168240

Choosing a comfortable and safe car is often a big and overwhelming quest, especially when the buyer is not experienced enough. Not to mention that a dream car often has a high price. Sometimes, the only way out is to consider buying a pre-owned car, but to find an optimal price-performance ratio is quite hard.

The good news is that it's hard but not impossible. The bad news is that even if you find a cheap, premium, minimally used car - there is no guarantee it's not stolen or salvaged. To make a candy from a lemon is no problem, to omit some state laws is not as hard as it seems. What can you do to protect yourself from buying a piece of trash? The only two ways to shield from dishonest dealers are to visit a DMV office or launch North Carolina VIN check site. In both cases, you'll save your money, and in the latter one - even your time.

Online North Carolina VIN check lookup is an easy way for a customer to know pretty much everything about a vehicle they're going to buy, in order to avoid all potential problems.

An average car report contains such information as:

  • Information about registration;
  • Model, year of manufacturing and production year;
  • Data about the insurance;
  • Odometer reading;
  • Information about accidents;
  • Data about liens.

If you get a history report of the car you're going to buy, you'll get not only basic data about your destination car but also the information about the vehicle's theft and accident history. These data are essential if you're not a big fan of paying fines.

Every online VIN search engine will tell you whether the VIN is authentic and matches the number on the car itself (if not - there will be no such VIN in a database).

If the ownership of your destination car had been changed too frequently, never buy it, even if it's in perfect condition. Many serious reconstructions could be done to this vehicle, moreover - it could easily have been stolen.

Remember that owning a stolen car in North Carolina (as well as in the other US states) is a punishable offense. If your new car was stolen at least once - it will not be yours anymore once the police know about this. Please, don't believe a seller who's trying to market an almost new car for a suspiciously cheap price. Sometimes this ploy is used by car thieves.

NC VIN Number

As we mentioned above, it's crucial to do a car VIN check. North Carolina car history report sites contain the information given by state authorities: the history of repairs, salvages, accident history, hardware failures of the vehicle etc. Not every seller will tell you this information, and even if some of them do - not all of them will tell the truth. Furthermore, remember that a car which survived an accident is the most unsafe means of transport in the world. That's why getting valid info about your destination vehicle is so important.

On every VIN history site, the VIN history report is updated as soon as anything new happens with the car. The car's price is also changing in real time. It's very comfortable for those customers who want to buy a reliable car for an adequate price.

If you see a car with red flags during your search - you have to report it immediately in order to protect other customers from buying it.

If you get a vehicle history report and see records about poor maintenance, theft history, fraud, - this means that the vehicle is not safe enough to be an owner of. Choose another car and do a thorough research: if everything is OK - check three times more and only after that do a purchase.

North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV)

3101 Mail Service Center
1515 N.Church St.
Rocky Mount, NC 27804​
(919) 715-7000