Tennessee VIN Check & Lookup

Lookup for a Tennessee vehicle online and get Detailed History Reports

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 7FARW2H5XNE029388

Every vehicle produced for the US market must have a specific code, which allows to both authorities and normal citizens to identify a vehicle. This code is called VIN (vehicle identification number), is located on several parts and is composed by 17 signs (both numbers and letters).

This codification was introduced in the 1980 and, since then, every vehicle in the US and in many other countries is subject to it.

Nowadays purchasing a used vehicle could be a huge risk. We hear many cases of people discovering that they’ve bought stolen cars. Or they have to shell out lots of money to repair a vehicle that they believed was in almost perfect conditions.

Believe it or not, but that could have been avoided by simply checking the car history using its identification code. And that’s because, if you use a specific tool like the free one you find on our site, the VIN number will allow you to find out every important information about the vehicle.

Are you going to buy a used car in Tennessee (TN)? If the answer is yes, the most important thing you’ve got to do is performing a Tennessee VIN lookup of the vehicle in question.

That’s undoubtedly the first step to make a safe, risk-free transaction.

Although we run also a paid report service with lots of additional information, we offer a basic free report which shows you the main facts of the car past story and its specifics. All of the information comes only from reliable databases that are constantly updated.

If you try out our Title search service, here is the data you will receive:

  • Standard equipment and safety options. Check the car real conditions and compare them with the info of this section. Pay particular attention to tires and body color.
  • Legitimacy of the code. Some fraudsters create documentation and put on the car VIN plates with a false number, in order to sell a stolen car.
  • Ownership history. This section will not give you any personal data about the actual or past owners of the vehicle at hand. But you will know if there were too many of them.
  • Odometer check. Some people change the real mileage reported on the odometers to sell the car for a better price. Watch out for anything strange.
  • Road accidents history. Every time an accident happens, police comes and registers the case. This part will show you that information.
  • Loans & Liens data. If the car is subject to a loan that still has to be paid off, you will buy it with the car altogether. In such situation negotiate a lower price that suits you or look elsewhere.
  • Recalls & Data. Id the vehicle came out of the factory with any defect, you will know it. It will show you also if it was repaired adequately.
  • Thefts data. This part will show you if the car has been stolen in the past and what happened after. Be careful and remember: a stolen car must be reported to the police.
  • Flood, Hail and Fire damage. Buying a car that had such damages can be quite risky because it could look shiny new and have small broken or malfunctioning parts.

As you can see, you will receive lots of vital information necessary to buy confidently. If you use our Tennessee DMV VIN check service, you will be provided with much more useful data.

To receive a VIN report you must follow 4 simple steps:

  • Find out the VIN of the vehicle. Check both the car parts and the documentation.
  • Input the code in the box at the top of this page.
  • Click the button "Check VIN".
  • Wait just a few minutes and then enjoy a high-quality report.

Tennessee Department of Public Safety (DPS)

312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Nashville, TN 37243
(866) 903-7357
